The Huron Mt. Wildlife Foundation initiated an ‘artist-in-residence’ just three years ago. Because of the covid pandemic, we did not promote it last year, but, hoping for a more back-to-normal field season in 2022, we are reviving this initiative.
Many research stations, natural areas, and other scientific institutions have developed ‘AIR’ programs in the hope that these residencies might serve as vehicles for collaboration and cross-talk between the arts and the natural sciences. In joining this trend, HMWF is hoping that resident artists will interact with researchers and produce work that’s explicitly and implicitly informed by that experience, and by the context of one of the with the most striking natural landscapes in eastern North America.

The residency currently targets visual artists, but is open to people working in a wide range of mediums and styles. There may be some restrictions rooted in conservation guidelines for the research area.We are joining this trend by initiating a new ‘artist-in-residence’ program at the Ives Lake Field Station.
You can find our ‘request for proposals’, with full information about proposals and guidelines, here. Please feel free to distribute this information and bring it to the attention of anyone you think might be interested.