HMWF welcomes proposals for research in all areas of field science, focused on the Huron Mountains region of northern Michigan and the larger Lake Superior basin. Of particular interest are question-driven projects that take advantage of the area’s “reference ecosystem” value of our core research area. Past projects address a very wide array of fields and topics; check out the “Projects” heading here.
The Foundation offers modest research grants for approved projects. In addition to scientific merit, funding decisions prioritize: use of HMWF grants for ‘seed money’ purposes and potential for follow-up proposals to larger funders; long-term perspectives and potential to generate data-sets of broad and continuing scientific interest; and exploitation of the special attributes of the research area. HMWF also supports biodiversity documentation (see our ATBI page); proposals for biodiversity studies will be strongest if they incorporate also address broader ecological and evolutionary themes (e.g., population dynamics and genetics, habitat relationships, biogeographical analyses, etc.)
Detailed guidelines regarding appropriate research and preparation of grant proposals are HERE.